Sunday, October 31, 2010


In soccer, a hat-trick is when you make three goals in one game.
I'm not wasn't exactly what I did.
I did run my first 1/2 MARATHON!
(You can just see me and Brooke's heads behind the girl in red)
The last .5 mile runway was just packed with people
lining both sides. There were just under 3,000 runners and
lots and lots of friends and fans.
We finished in 2:03:27 and
ran the WHOLE 13.1 miles!
Chugged a water bottle then
immediately fell to the ground.
It was so fun to have my roommate to run next to
and pace with me.
This had been a New Years resolution and something
I've wanted to do for SO long.
Seriously, it was one of the most fun physical
activity things I've done. Running through the canyon
with all the leaves on the trees and ground, snow on the
mountain tops, and 3,000 fellow runners
all around me (some very much in costume, since
it was halloween and all)...
At one point I turned off my ipod and just listened
to the river we were running along and the
rhythmic pounding of thousands of shoes
on the pavement.
Three of our friends came to cheer us on.
Thanks guys!
Then I went to Ky's to watch the Giants game
while she got ready for a party.
Let's just say I was a little too tired to join her.
So instead of partying, I went home and made
a casserole with Kaitlin and Trevs....
and then homemade Oreos with orange frosting...
and then peanut butter bars...
and then...just kidding.

So my day was a three fold plus, or hat-trick!
Marathon, friends, and cooking.
~Can't wait for my next run~

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A sparkly new job

I got a second job!
Now, three days a week, after I put my little preschoolers on the bus, I go to Lehi and do ABA (applied behavior analysis) therapy privately with a little girl in her home in the evenings.
Today was my first session with her, aaaaannd
as part of one of the reward sessions, we painted her nails...
and then mine. haha. Doesn't everybody know glitter nail polish over acrylic is the new wave in fashion?!?!
I'm getting them done again soon enough, so I didn't care.
And, I'm quickly learning that nothing I wear to either job is going to stay 'nice' for long. My once-nice-shoes have now lost 4 of the 12 gems thanks to having my feet stepped on only about, um, I don't know, maybe 20 times a day. And I frequently come home with food, snot, slobber, and bubbles on my clothes and in my hair.
Today, I came home with banana down the left leg of my jeans; I found rice in my hair from the girl I helped to feed lunch, bubbles on my shirt, and play-dough under my fingernails.
it's not glamorous work, or all that sparkly, but I love the little ones.
~~~At least I'll go into motherhood with my eyes wide open and at least a small idea of what to expect!~~~

Thursday, October 14, 2010

115 is an insane #

I drove down to Vegas last weekend to support daddy-o on his ride.
He and his brother, Uncle Kevin, rode 115 miles on their bikes.
Insane. Exhausting. A once-in-a-lifetime-experience...
or so I thought.
The night before they were all pumped full of pasta, water, and had everything out ready to grab at 5 the next morning. I came downstairs and surprised them around 4:45 am to see them off. They had tons of gatorade, 'gue' (some electrolyte pudding-type stuff which I actually like), electrolyte chews, cliff bars, etc.
That night, after coming in the house and immediately falling to the floor, we heard nothing but "Ah", "Oh", "That was crazy!", "I can't stand that gue!", "Oh that mile 67...or 90...". I guess someone named Bernie asked my Uncle Kevin if he would ever do something like this again. He said, "Bernie...tomorrow this bike is on Ebay!" And daddy said, "I told Marie to shoot me if I ever talk about doing something like this again!"
This was Saturday.
On Monday, daddy texts me saying he's already thinking about doing something like it again.
I guess it was fun!
Brought them a curb-side lunch.
Then, of course grandma took us out for food, multiple times!
With grandma, you can always count on food and shopping. LOVE it~

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


...they always have the most amazing things.
One of my favorite lines from that new show "Modern Family" goes something like this:
"I'm like Costco...I'm big, I'm cheap, and I dare you not to like me."
How true that is. I mean, who doesn't love a good taster from Costco???
Thank you Costco, for the joy you bring to my life.