There are a million and one things to do
here in Boston.
I had a fun first week before school started
to play and see some of the sites.
(...and a very full week of reading and studying
once school actually started)
Walden Pond
"A lake is the landscape's most beautiful
and expressive feature.
It is Earth's eye;
looking into which the beholder measures
the depth of his own nature."
-Henry David Thoreau
Louisa May Alcott's House
The "Beach"
The "beach" was passable for a beach when I consider I'm no longer in California so I need to lower my expectations. (Please note I have on a California sweatshirt. Just keepin' the dream alive baby.)
It was quite unique, as I guess the beach was directly in line with the landing strip for the airport, so we saw about 100 of these in the 2 hrs we were there.
Then, homemade pizzas on the grill when we got home :)
My first/second time around.
Mama and I missed this exhibit by like 3 days
when we were out here a few months ago.
So I took as many photos as I could so you, mama, could feel like you kinda got to see it!
Me, Alyson (my floor),
and Allison (floor below me).
This boat full of glass was inspired by Chihuly's adventures with a different project. I guess at one time he wanted to see how water would affect the look of the glass if he threw his pieces into a river. After standing on a bridge and throwing his pieces into the river (and appreciating the new perspective), he hired some local young boys, who were hanging around watching him, to dive into the water and retrieve all this glass.
Seeing all his pieces haphazardly piled on the boat gliding across the water inspired this piece. The glass is featured in a wooden boat which is placed upon a shiny black floor to act as 'reflecting water'.
Chihuly Boston
Chihuly Boston
Modeled after Native American woven baskets
(hence the Indian tapestries in this room)
There was an empty room where the art was displayed above you with a clear ceiling and hundreds of glass pieces piled on top of each other.
He had 6 hanging fixtures (the largest number to ever have been on display in one exhibit)
Chihuly Boston
Chihuly Boston
Moss on a log.
I read he was inspired to do this piece after moving into a work space where the ceilings were very high, so he wanted something to fill the space.
I live in an adorable house on Nottinghill Rd.
with great girls, and I'm very thankful.
~~~Kitchen Quote~~~
"If you're not tired, sore, or hungry
at the end of the day,
you're not living hard enough."
cus I am 100% all three of these
after the full week of site seeing
and then this first week of school.