Tuesday, August 12, 2014

17 days and counting...

I took a little hiatus from this blog countdown.

17 days!

I have this photo as my laptop screen saver.
In the clinic, my computer is on the desk and my kids like to look at it.

Humor of the day. . .

One of my kids and I were talking about 'best friends'.
I asked him if he wanted to see MY best friend, and showed him this photo.

Him: "Why are you so tiny?", squishing his fingers together.
Me: "Well, he's just really tall. Like this", holding my hand above my head.
Him: "Where did you get him?"
Me: "My cousin"

He then moved on to interest in toy guns.
Apparently the topic was thoroughly discussed.

Humor of last week . . . 
(different client. Sweet teenage Autistic boy)

Him: "That's a man"
Me: "Yup, that's a man"
Him: "That's a woman"
Me: "Yup, that's a woman"
Him: "He's tall"
Me: "He is very tall"
Him: "Play checkers"
Me: "Ok, let's play checkers"

It's refreshing, how matter-of-fact he is.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 99&100

IT'S DAY 100 OF 100 HAPPY DAYS!!!!
~How fitting that I'm in Boston~

Happy Day Moment #99
* Convincing my old gym to let me work out for free as a 'guest'
*Running around with Al borrowing china
for my bridal shower she threw me (sunday)
One of the homes we borrowed china from was my first house I lived in when I moved here.
Hello Nottinghill
I texted daddy and he said I should hit the deli around the corner we fell in love with when he first dropped me off.
*Baking baby cheesecakes for the shower, 
taking short naps while they cooked cus I'm so stinkin' tired
* Attending an old roommates birthday party (croquet)
Backyard was luscious, but also chuck full of mosquitos. 

*Church at the beautiful LP1 Chapel. Saw my cousin, and
Bishop even remembered Clark's name!

*Walks. I love these streets.
*Everything is green. Even in mid-summer.
I used to envision walking this path when I was really homesick and it would calm me just to 'feel' the feelings of this walk again in my mind. 
*Got asked directions by a stranger on the street.
I knew the answer.

*Bridal Shower -- Tea Party Themed
 Proof that I still have friends!
 Allison bought individual teacups for everyone, McCall made butterscotch rice crispies, Katie cut fruit and cheese slices, Al made cheesecakes and bought my favorite Lindt chocolates (as did Amber for one of my gifts... props for friends knowing me so well), and KJ made the brownies. We went to two different stores just to find the right juice Al wanted, and the chocolate milk I wanted. 
A tea party w/o tea. That's the best kind. 
She strung the cutest little doilies in all the windows.
(no photos of presents, or myself. I promise both were there)
*A solo walk up upland street. I should take a photo of that too.

I started this 100 Happy Days series to help me better focus on the good things happening in my life, even when / because I was missing home so much.
Its helped.
I still love my home, but I see better now that my 'life' is in Vegas with him.
And I'm more excited after this weekend than I've ever been to get back to him.
I'm ganna keep checking off the boxes on my Wedding Day countdown,
and focus on the new home I'm going to try and set up with him,
wherever we go / stay in the next year ... or three or four...
together ~

Friday, July 18, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 96-98

I'm in Boston.
What hasn't been a happy moment?

Happy Day Moment #96
Opening a travel package from him.
Mostly it consisted of fancy chocolates (perfect),
but also a new mix tape.
We listened to the new tunes while I packed and he explained why he liked each individual song.
Then I flew away on a red-eye.

Happy Day Moment(s) #97
*KJ picked me up from the airport and brought me home :)

*Dropped off my bags, then hit the city.
*Lunch with Miss Mitton in Copley Sq.
*Ran wedding errands I've been waiting to do since it's kinda something specially found here.
*Sat on some steps to eat a fantastic cupcake in the great weather.
Complete stranger walked by with his wife and said, "You look like you're in heaven."
I said, "Sir, I am."
I'd like to know what I looked like in that moment, cus I was feelin' pretty dang content with life, and obviously wasn't hiding it.
*Walked through the Public Gardens
*The hottest T rid of my life to meet up with Jennie.
We've got a sushi love we share.
*Talking w/ girl friends on hard wood floors that creek and really loud AC units.
*Karaoke night!
*11 pm walk to JP Licks. We just couldn't wait a full 24 hours to renew this tradition. And I'm fully aware i look way too excited. Can't help it.

Happy Day Moment #98 
{so far}
*Asked Alex and Laur to go to the temple with me.
I love that Celestial room ~ stained glass

*Walking up familiar steps, cooking lunch and answering the door like its my own house.
Which it's not, and that's ok haha ;)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 92-95

Guys... we're really getting down to the count here!

Happy Day Moment #92
Having Saturday plans.
Drove my newly returned missionary cousin and his friends to the lake for our ward trip. Then spending the rest of the day with my man when he got off of work 2 hrs early!

Happy Day Moment #93
Missionary homecoming talk in church for my other cousin who just got home. 

Happy Day Moment #94
Sometimes you fall out of sync with people.

Happy Day Moment #95
He took me to a fancy Italian restaurant as our evening out together.
And bought "us" (me) a chocolate lava cake to "share".

We all know how that really played out. 

And, wasn't there something else???
oh yeah...

Friday, July 11, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 90-91

Happy Day Moment #90 & #91

I'm not sure these were so much 'happy' moments. Felt more like a series of unfamiliar and overwhelming moments. But he and I went apartment shopping last night and this morning. Feels totally normal cus it's the obvious next step... renting a place with him. But still very unfamiliar and a balancing act between what we 'want' vs. 'can afford' ... and also what you can tell the other person really does/does not like
without anyone trying to be the dominant decision maker. 


I'll post a follow up happy day moment when we actually settle on one and the stress is gone.
For today, please excuse the breach of sappy happiness for a bit of real life 'happy but odd'.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 88-89

Happy Day Moment #88
One of my orchids bloomed

Happy Day Moment #89
Our ecclesiastical leader (LDS Bishop) likes to meet with engaged couples to give council and just check in. We met with him tonight, and it made me even more excited! 
We feel like it's getting really real.

51 days till the wedding!!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 84-87

Happy Day Moment #84
Driving the freeways of Vegas watching all the fireworks go off all across the city. We'd tried to get to a show, but it kind of didn't happen. So we ended up driving where we thought it was going to be... then back home for a round trip of about an hour. It was actually really cool to watch everything across the valley light up in a large-scale panoramic sort of view. 
I asked him to tell me the story of the Fourth of July.
One thing you should know about him, he knows his history; dates, names, facts, etc. 
One thing you should know about me, I like to ask questions; interruptive-ly, specific, and until I really truly understand, etc.
It was unique. And really fun.

Happy Day Moment #85
Driving to the airport with him... twice.
First, to pick up his parents from their Ireland trip.
Then, to pick up their lost luggage a bit later.
We decided twice was enough for one night.

Happy Day Moment #86
Listening to my cousins' mini home coming firesides at my uncle's house.
One came home from Nicaragua.
One came home from India. 

Happy Day Moment #87

I love purple orchids, most of any flower. 
He said he had to "drop something off" before FHE.

{and I didn't even bother to rearrange my desk to 'hide' the chocolate on my books. Because that would be a lie. And every girl out there knows they do the same thing. I love chocolate far too much to bother pretending I'm not addicted}

Thursday, July 3, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 78-83

Happy Day Moment #78
Swimming with not one, but TWO married couple friends of ours.
Watch out

Happy Day Moment #79
Taking a nap

Happy Day Moment #80
A busy work day with a fun co-worker

Happy Day Moment #81
Getting the proofs for our wedding announcements!!
Miss Mitton is designing them!
(again... sorry but no previews)

Happy Day Moment #82

He bought me chicken fingers and fries.
Cus that's all I wanted.
And he didn't judge me for it.

Happy Day Moment #83
Laugh/Crying on the stairs with him cus I sometimes feel like a crazy person/emotional mess/disaster.

But he handles it. And says he still loves me.
Then we run errands and I feel happier then I ever am without him.

(Just accept the sappy. Embrace it,
and all my posts leading up to my wedding will go down a lot smoother)

Friday, June 27, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Day 77

Happy Day Moment #77

Picking our final engagement photo!!!
(we wanted us both to like it)


Pizza & Bowling with a married couple friend of his. 
We have (pre-marriage) married couple friends! 
I miss doing things in groups and having other personalities to laugh with. More than I realized. This was great.

And ...

In case you've lost track, it's 63 days and counting :)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

100 Happy Days -- 69-76

I've done it again. Let a whole week go by w/o posting. 
How dare I get wrapped up in my own life :)

Happy Day Moment #69
Daddy flew in for the weekend!

Happy Day Moment #70
Hangin out with gram and dad @ the rehab center.
And... taking ENGAGEMENTS!
(no sneak previews)

Happy Day Moment #71
Discovering an amazing French bakery around the corner.
Completely legit croissants and quiche 

Happy Day Moment #72
Sitting next to him at church. Feels lonely w/o him.

Happy Day Moment #73
Remembering I bought tickets to BOSTON!!!!!!
See you soon, home.

Happy Day Moment #74
Doing well at work.

Happy Day Moment #75
Honestly, wednesday was a bit tough. not my best day. Then I went and just sat with him for a while without talking. And I felt ok again. 
Mama says that's what it's all about, when you find "your person"

Happy Day Moment #76
Crossing off another day on the countdown. 

~And temple night with him tonight~

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 62-68

100 Happy Days -- week

Went home for WEDDING PLANNING!!

Happy Day Moment #62 
Flying Home

Happy Day Moment #63 
Choosing cake flavors. 

You take home cupcakes in flavors you think you might like and test them out for what you want in your actual cake. 

Happy Day Moment #64 
Setting up a wish-list for a future home is FUN

Happy Day Moment #65
Chillin with the fam and being home for Father's Day

Happy Day Moment #66
Leaving home in style... behind a tractor. classic.

Happy Day Moment #67
He made me dinner...
...the same dinner he made me 4 years ago in Idaho when I drove down for a weekend back when we were first dating. Crazy.

Happy Day Moment #68
Packages from mama

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Day 61

Happy Day Moment #61

Movie Night!
Edge of Tomorrow. I recommend it, if you like action.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 58-60

Happy Day Moment #58

Talking to mama

Happy Day Moment #59

Talking to him...
and the relief of him FINALLY taking the LSAT and feeling good about it!!!!

Now... applications.

Happy Day Moment #60

(believe me, it has affected us both)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 56&57

Happy Day Moment #56

~A gift from one bride to the next~

Grama and I were in my room looking at my wedding announcement options I'd selected so far, when I told her I was just so nervous I'd pick one I loved today, but will hate in 5 years. I don't want to look back and think my announcement was ugly. She looked at me and said, "Your wedding announcement will never be ugly to you, because it's yours. I still love mine."

I asked if she still had it, and she said it was just out in the front room in a cabinet! We went and found it, and next to it were these pretty linens. She said they were her 'trousseau' from her wedding, then she gave them to me. 

I love this. They are so lovely, and it is when I was/am living with her that I became a bride too~

Happy Day Moment #57

A call from my {future} mother in law asking me to go to dinner! Just us. I'm so grateful she's so kind, and that I honestly, genuinely, really do like her. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 54&55

Happy Day Moment #54

Sneak attach study-break-snacks.
Managed to sneak upstairs (with permission from his mom and dad ... obvi) and knock on his door to give him his favorite soda... for energy of course.
Surprise! And I quote, "oh hey! Was NOT expecting you!"

His aunt and uncle are in town, so the first door I knocked on upstairs was answered by someone I was not expecting. Looks like we all got a little surprised.

Happy Day Moment #55

Wet hair and clean jammies after a shower. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Day 52&53

Happy Day Moment #52

Another fun FHE.
So many people helped me put it together. 
So many people laughed and had a great time. 

Happy Day Moment #53

For when your soul needs relief,

Sunday, June 1, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 49-51

Happy Day Moment #49
Texting Karin about all things girl... and of course ending the convo with plans/wishes to meet @ B&R

Happy Day Moment #50
Late night runs for french fries and blizzards with him. Yessss

Happy Day Moment #51
Boston gossip catch-up with Allison, and making a wedding board count down. 
Sometimes it's a thing to sarcastically ask, "... but who's counting?"

I am.
~90 days folks~

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Favorite Happy Day

Happy Day Moment #48


I'm marrying my best friend (a.k.a. the man I love)
in August. So we thought it was about time to get engaged ;)

Can't help but wake up happy, smile while I'm driving everywhere, check to make sure my ring still sparkles about 100 times a day, and feel like I want to cry and laugh at the same time when I think about marrying him. 

It's safe to say there has been no shortage of happy day moments this past week, from pintresting wedding colors and flowers, watching my work friends realize there's "something new" on my hand, getting unexpected 'congratulation' texts and calls from friends/roommates/family, to finally knowing what it's like to be part of that elusive club of women who can show the world they 'belong' to someone through a shiny, sparkly, gorgeous thing on their little left ring finger.  

I think I need a new countdown...
92 days till the wedding!

Friday, May 23, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 46&47

Finally taking time to upload three

Happy Day Moment #46

Setting a Skype date with Ms. Mitton...

... and just generally remembering Boston/home.

Happy Day Moment #47

Playing at the park with him, his parents, his niece, and his brother-in-law and sisters as they all drove into town for the weekend. 

p.s. here's proof for one of my previously mentioned happy moments, when i came within 1 point of winning my first game of spades. And the reason it's crooked is because I'm THAT computer savvy. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Day 45

Happy Day Moment #45

Unexpected texts from people I love.


Others were private, but his was of him holding his 2 yr. old niece, who's in town for a week. Would post... but he's very 'social media' private. Probably a good thing :)

It may just be me, because I'm so in love with him, but it was the cutest, sweetest photo. Any woman who really loves her man definitely gets what I'm saying~

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

100 Happy Days --- WEEK/44

Here's my week's catch-up of 
Happy Day Moments #36-44

- Flying to California for my cousins wedding
-Laughing with brumsy within 2 seconds of landing
-Staying up late reading a good book
-Seeing my first sealing in the Temple
-Hotel breakfast with daddy, where making waffles isn't as easy as it looks
-Finding Elder Eyring's biography on my bed @ home (thx gram)
-Coming within 1 pt of beating him at my first ever game of Spades 
-Surprise visit from him on my evening walk
(he started asking strangely specific questions as to where I was on my walk as we were talking on the phone... duh... he was coming to surprise me!)

Monday, May 12, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 35&36

Happy Day Moment #35

Mother's Day
I got to spend mine with his mama, my aunt, grandma, and a phone call with MY mama. Not a bad line up. 
Turkey dinner with his fam, then walked across the street for chocolate cake with my cousins. I love the proximity. I didn't even bother to put on shoes! (He joked I was a barbarian, but I just felt summer-freedom)
Had to call mama to remember exactly how to make the whipped cream for second desert with his fam :) The sound of the mixer against the bowl transported me home in one of the brief unexpected memory moments.
I once wrote a poem about a mother teaching her daughter a simple life-lesson using whipping cream as the 'parable'. Funny. Haven't thought of that forever :) I must have written it after one of the many times MY mama stood by me in the kitchen as I made the whipped cream.

Happy Day Moment #36

Teaching grama what a hashtag is.
Seriously... this was hysterical.

Gram was reading the LDS news and told me that Elder Ballard had been the first member of the 12 to 'tweet' after a CES devotional recently. She asked me, "How do you tweet? Is it on Tweeter?"
Well, I don't tweet, but I do know SOMEthing.

Started with the basics. First, it's called "Twitter, not Tweeter"
 She's heard of facebook and instagram. This is "just another one of those things". 
Then we explained what a # sign was, and how it goes in front of a little 'phrase', and how you can make your own, or join yours with a whole web of choices so it's compiled into a sort of 'grouping' with others who've used the same 'phrase'.... PLUS, just to make things confusing, 

She got it better when I likened it to a signature. 
When you sign your name, that's called a 'signature'. 
When you put #+phrase, that's called a hashtag

I've never been one to hashtag, but ...

Saturday, May 10, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 33&34

I grew up with a beagle, Caramel. Pretty little girl...
At my first visit yesterday they had an 11 yr old beagle too.
He was all grey and his name was Henry.
I don't touch other people's dogs. Ever.
But for beagles... I make a HUGE exception. 

For 1/2 the visit Henry sat by me on the floor as I worked with the kid and I scratched Henry's neck and ears just like we used to with the beast.

 Then he went an sunbathed on the floor in the corner.
I missed my puppers but was so grateful for Henry letting me love him for a moment. I swear I felt puppers' little spirit saying hello. She knows we miss her and still think of her, love her, and look for her in the back yard.

Happy Day Moment #33
Memories of Puppers

Happy Day Moment #34
Service project with the stake, boxing canned goods for the Salvation Army. Showed up and friends from the ward actually knew my name. Felt a small step closer to belonging. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Day 32

Happy Day Moment #32

Date night with him.

I see him 2-3x a week, and
date night happens just once a week, so I extra love it.

Greek food. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Day 31

Two happy moments. Am I allowed two? I think so. This IS my blog.

Happy Day Moment #31 part 1
FINALLY getting this photo uploaded to my blog
It really is a perfect tulip. Just perfect. These are times I see nature and think what a beautiful touch the Lord had for color, light, and delicacy when creating the world.

Happy Day Moment #31 part 2
Being in a home when a little girl FOR THE FIRST TIME took more than 3 steps. 
She walked from her mom to me in about 7-8 steps. 
Mom & me were both soooo excited.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Day 30

Happy Day Moment #30

Thought I was ganna fall asleep standing about 4:oo.
Second wind hit around 6:oo.
I was able to accomplish a little workout I'd really wanted to do this evening, especially since today was cooler weather than normal. 
Not the most tender of happy day moments, but MY moment all the same. Accomplishing small goals you tell yourself you'll do IS happy.

(Tried and failed to add a photo of a beautiful flower, not of me working out. Please.  Buuuuut, phone's still on the blink. I'm not particularly "Happy" about this, but grateful I have a phone?? Silver lining??)

Monday, May 5, 2014

100 Happy Days -- whenever to Day 29

I kinda fell off the bandwagon here.

I'll just do a quick summation of my good last week:

-two successful FHE's
-two birthday celebrations with family
-two safe drives to and from Utah and Vegas
-three great days in Utah with family
-two reunions with friends I haven't seen in 2-4 yrs
-one of the most memorable Friday's of my life (details to come)
-a hysterical rendition of Peter Pan at Hale Center Theater
-learning the ins and outs of fly fishing from dad and brother
-sharing a hotel room with my parents, and laughing a lot

back soon~
Thx for the encouragement Liz. 
It's because of you I posted even withOUT pics!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 18-21

The camera on my phone has decided to refuse to take any more photos till I clear enough space in my settings. Needless to say, I still can't take photos. 

So here goes a blog post, the kind of which I really don't prefer (one with no photos). Sorry

Happy Day Moment #18
Institute taught by my uncle, and attended with my cousin who is in town for a week.

Happy Day Moment #19
Lier's dice with C's brother who is also in town for a week. (BYU just finished finals week, so the kids are back!)

Happy Day Moment #20
Discovering a new BBQ restaurant together, then sifting through the children's books section for my cousin's daughter's b-day. Kids books are colorful and happy.

Happy Day Moment #21
Driving up Mount Charleston with him, pretending to property hunt for dream cabins, then taking a walk through the park. 

Photos (hopefully!) to return in future posts soon :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 16&17

I think my walks around the golf course are ganna be a repeat offender for happy day moments. 
This time I saw little 'goosling' chicks, all fluffy and cute. 

Happy Day Moment #16
Baby geese

Happy Day Moment #17
My Boston bracelets finally arriving!!!!!
They have beautiful meanings sentimental to me, such as 
Apple of Abundance: insight, wisdom, teacher
Boston: proud, distinct, historic
Sacred Gemstone: Healing 
Topaz: His birth month, Fidelity, and November...
 the month we first saw each other again after 4 yrs 
H: for obvious reasons

Happy Days :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 12,13,14,&15

So many happy times...
Full full weekend

Happy Day Moment #12
Clark FINALLY took me to a buffet, which we were both prepared for me to hate given my proclivity to germ-phobia. But it was great!

Happy Day Moment #13
The beautiful Vegas Temple

Happy Day Moment #14
Big egg hunt @ Aunt Zan's, and I even found one of the 10 'golden eggs' during the adult egg hunt. $10!

Happy Day Moment #15
 Cheering on my friend Liza back home running the Boston Marathon.
What a wonderful accomplishment. She was 1 mile short of the finish line last year when the bombs went off. Special day for all of us who were there last year. Love that city. Grateful for so much of what it gave me. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 10&11

Happy Day moment #10

'Realizing' I live on a golf course and loving my walks around it.

Happy Day moment #11

Comforting and healing talks with good people

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 8&9

Last night was a lunar eclipse.
He and I both enjoy 'space stuff'. Him more space in general, me specifically the moon. 
Happy Day moment # 8
Setting up his telescope and watching a movie outside to slowly watch the gradual "shadowing-over" of the moon, until it finally appears red. 

Our best attempt at a photo.

Happy Day moment #9:

Retail therapy.

Anyone who denies the validity of this phenomenon I can only assume must never have purchased anything very amazing or happy
Treat yourself to at least a look around Alex and Ani.
It's a happy site.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 5,6,7

I only get to see my guy (typically) 3 days a week because of work and study schedules. Sooooo, those days I'm busy LIVING my happy day moments rather than posting about them. 

Happy Day moment #5
We cooked a giant salmon whole, and it turned out great. We bought it a few weeks back as a fun date-night experiment.

Happy Day moment #6
Having my best friend tell me she's sailing on the Charles, then sending a photo as proof. I love any and all photos/memories from home. 

Happy Day moment #7
Being told you're loved

Thursday, April 10, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Day 4

Happy Day moment #4
Being sent home from work early cus my boss could tell I didn't feel good at all. 
Ironic how being sick brought about my happy moment.

On to better days ...
and reading in bed

5 hrs AFTER this original post...

these arrived
thx lovey