Sunday, April 27, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 18-21

The camera on my phone has decided to refuse to take any more photos till I clear enough space in my settings. Needless to say, I still can't take photos. 

So here goes a blog post, the kind of which I really don't prefer (one with no photos). Sorry

Happy Day Moment #18
Institute taught by my uncle, and attended with my cousin who is in town for a week.

Happy Day Moment #19
Lier's dice with C's brother who is also in town for a week. (BYU just finished finals week, so the kids are back!)

Happy Day Moment #20
Discovering a new BBQ restaurant together, then sifting through the children's books section for my cousin's daughter's b-day. Kids books are colorful and happy.

Happy Day Moment #21
Driving up Mount Charleston with him, pretending to property hunt for dream cabins, then taking a walk through the park. 

Photos (hopefully!) to return in future posts soon :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 16&17

I think my walks around the golf course are ganna be a repeat offender for happy day moments. 
This time I saw little 'goosling' chicks, all fluffy and cute. 

Happy Day Moment #16
Baby geese

Happy Day Moment #17
My Boston bracelets finally arriving!!!!!
They have beautiful meanings sentimental to me, such as 
Apple of Abundance: insight, wisdom, teacher
Boston: proud, distinct, historic
Sacred Gemstone: Healing 
Topaz: His birth month, Fidelity, and November...
 the month we first saw each other again after 4 yrs 
H: for obvious reasons

Happy Days :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 12,13,14,&15

So many happy times...
Full full weekend

Happy Day Moment #12
Clark FINALLY took me to a buffet, which we were both prepared for me to hate given my proclivity to germ-phobia. But it was great!

Happy Day Moment #13
The beautiful Vegas Temple

Happy Day Moment #14
Big egg hunt @ Aunt Zan's, and I even found one of the 10 'golden eggs' during the adult egg hunt. $10!

Happy Day Moment #15
 Cheering on my friend Liza back home running the Boston Marathon.
What a wonderful accomplishment. She was 1 mile short of the finish line last year when the bombs went off. Special day for all of us who were there last year. Love that city. Grateful for so much of what it gave me. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 10&11

Happy Day moment #10

'Realizing' I live on a golf course and loving my walks around it.

Happy Day moment #11

Comforting and healing talks with good people

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 8&9

Last night was a lunar eclipse.
He and I both enjoy 'space stuff'. Him more space in general, me specifically the moon. 
Happy Day moment # 8
Setting up his telescope and watching a movie outside to slowly watch the gradual "shadowing-over" of the moon, until it finally appears red. 

Our best attempt at a photo.

Happy Day moment #9:

Retail therapy.

Anyone who denies the validity of this phenomenon I can only assume must never have purchased anything very amazing or happy
Treat yourself to at least a look around Alex and Ani.
It's a happy site.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Days 5,6,7

I only get to see my guy (typically) 3 days a week because of work and study schedules. Sooooo, those days I'm busy LIVING my happy day moments rather than posting about them. 

Happy Day moment #5
We cooked a giant salmon whole, and it turned out great. We bought it a few weeks back as a fun date-night experiment.

Happy Day moment #6
Having my best friend tell me she's sailing on the Charles, then sending a photo as proof. I love any and all photos/memories from home. 

Happy Day moment #7
Being told you're loved

Thursday, April 10, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Day 4

Happy Day moment #4
Being sent home from work early cus my boss could tell I didn't feel good at all. 
Ironic how being sick brought about my happy moment.

On to better days ...
and reading in bed

5 hrs AFTER this original post...

these arrived
thx lovey

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Day 3

Happy count-down to Easter!

One of my kid's moms gave me and the clinicians I work with little chocolate brownies baked inside a ceramic 'egg carton' for our Easter surprise. That got me in the mood to put out my pretty Easter Bunny mama gave me last year. Isn't she feminine and sweet?! (The bunny... even though mama is too!)
Happy Day moment #3

Any suggestions for the lone frame beside her???
One of those forgotten things that goes on toooo long...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Day 2

Guess what arrived in the mail 4 months ago...

... and just got opened TODAY??!!

Happy Day moment #2,
opening my Diploma

Monday, April 7, 2014

100 Happy Days --- Day 1

A friend of mine recently began a daily 'journal'
entitled 100 Happy Days

Everyone has good times and sad times;
they come in their seasons

To better focus on the good and blessed that is in my life,
I'm starting my own 100 Happy Days

Day #1

2 months ago I left my home
and started a new life out west

I love Boston. It's my home
I love my friends. They're my support, my humor. They know me and hold my heart
It's been hard to be away

Today, my 'Happy Day' was jumping into my new calling as Family Home Evening chair (Latter-day Saint FHE). I don't know many people out here, and don't feel I can yet call many 'friends'... but tonight... I think I started making a few.
Maybe in time I'll have a follow up photo like this one, for my 'new' friends