So you know that Ocean Spray commercial where those guys are standing in a pool of cranberries?! Well, I learned that that "pool" is called a Bog and it's how they harvest the little guys.
Steffanie, Lauren, Jennie, Katherine, Aubrey and I
went to the Cranberry Bog Festival.
Happens once a year for only one weekend.
You get to walk on a little wooden overpass they build to see a close view of the process. Men wade in the water, throw the berries on the conveyer belt where they are washed then spill over into the truck.
Just beautiful colors
(I got a kick out of this man...just hangin' out in ma overalls waitin, ta hall away the berries!)
They had them all packaged up and I'm assuming in these boxes? I don't know, they were just pretty so I took photos!
It was a beautiful fall day activity...
...even if the age bracket was slightly skewed to either a very young population (had little booths for kids, hence the strollers) or a very old one.
So, next time you drink cranberry juice....
picture this!