Friday, July 11, 2014

100 Happy Days -- Days 90-91

Happy Day Moment #90 & #91

I'm not sure these were so much 'happy' moments. Felt more like a series of unfamiliar and overwhelming moments. But he and I went apartment shopping last night and this morning. Feels totally normal cus it's the obvious next step... renting a place with him. But still very unfamiliar and a balancing act between what we 'want' vs. 'can afford' ... and also what you can tell the other person really does/does not like
without anyone trying to be the dominant decision maker. 


I'll post a follow up happy day moment when we actually settle on one and the stress is gone.
For today, please excuse the breach of sappy happiness for a bit of real life 'happy but odd'.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if this isn't "happy" then it definitely falls into the "awesome" category. Communication is messy and takes a patience and a good sense of humor. So glad you're working on it. Apartment shopping is a good exercise in all of that.
