A friend of mine recently began a daily 'journal'
entitled 100 Happy Days
Everyone has good times and sad times;
they come in their seasons
To better focus on the good and blessed that is in my life,
I'm starting my own 100 Happy Days
Day #1
2 months ago I left my home
and started a new life out west
I love Boston. It's my home
I love my friends. They're my support, my humor. They know me and hold my heart
It's been hard to be away
Today, my 'Happy Day' was jumping into my new calling as Family Home Evening chair (Latter-day Saint FHE). I don't know many people out here, and don't feel I can yet call many 'friends'... but tonight... I think I started making a few.
Maybe in time I'll have a follow up photo like this one, for my 'new' friends
Gratitude is transformative, isn't it? Also, I have gained great appreciation for FHE attendance in my single days. I use lots of those skills (of adopting other and allowing myself to be adopted) right now while I am far from my blood family. I have a good feeling about this, Annie. It won't be long at all.