Friday, July 10, 2009

Through the Window

Today began with an extra hour of sleep, then class for two hours. Our topic today dealt primarily with working children, the varying power of nations, and various medical problems areas of the world suffer from, in congruence with each other and how they interrelate. Lynley got emotional talking about the children and the rights that so many countries deprive them of.
I see so many little faces everywhere we go and they have a special way of touching my heart. Their smiles are infectious and so full of joy when they see our group. Driving in the bus through the towns we catch people’s eyes. One woman we passed today caught my eye and we held each other’s gaze and just looked. I wondered what was behind her eyes; what was she thinking looking at me? I got emotional myself today looking through the window at all the people. I do believe that there can be and is happiness everywhere. Living in poverty doesn’t mean a life of sadness. But living in poverty does mean a life of hardships. And life looks hard here. 

A cute moment I saw through the window today happened on our way home. I was entertaining myself looking at all the things we were passing and I saw a group of kids playing soccer with a mini watermelon. Wouldn’t have thought of that but it seemed to be working for them~

Finished with our surveys and teaching for our first AIDS group this afternoon. A whole bunch of little kids got out of school and stood around just to watch. Look at the little girl's eyes! Her name is Gloria. We were talking and I asked to take a photo with them. I reached for her hand but I didn't realize she looked at me. Sweet girl~
Lynley warned us that certain groups will show a lot more interest in some topics than others and this group was definitely interested in condoms. Nice! Her we are, this group of mostly Mormon virgins, and the discussion leaders are answering very thorough questions on condoms. We were all trying to be serious so the people would be serious, but we all lost it at one point. One man stood up and gave everyone a very descriptive play by play of condom uses, his favorite kinds being the Rough Rider and Spicy Love, etc. Needless to say, the student became the teacher for a portion of this evening!
The kids are so good to their siblings. More than once I have seen an older sibling come up to their younger sibling, grab their hand, and tow then in the right direction. Or they will be walking to school with their little backpacks hand in hand on their way to school. This little boy was standing just looking at me when his older brother came up behind him, rested his hand on his chest for a second while he looked around, then grabbed his hand and walked him home, I assume.
 I bought some Casava today from a gal who had come to see, I’m sure, what all the white people were doing in Manya Krovo. Casava is made from potato, oil, and coconut or union. It’s rolled in a ball and eaten with a chunk of coconut. The girl didn’t say one word but was all smiles. The people were all asking me “Do you like it? Do you like it?” It was so good. I only took three small bites because I’m terrified of getting sick, but I would have totally downed it. I’m a fan.
So, I am in charge of dinner selection while we are at the hostel because we all chose mini jobs and I was all over that one. I will have you know dinner was so good. We had grilled chicken, potatoes, pasta, veggies and fruit. People were stuffed for the first time since being here. Normally, the hostel cooks were choosing what we would be eating and some nights we struggled!
We’ll be heading out tomorrow for KaKum. The plan is to do a hike through the rainforest to a canopy walk above the trees. We’ll stay at a ‘resort’ and play on the beach on Saturday then head home. Can’t wait to see everything~ This week has felt like two or three with everything new I have seen and felt. Everyday seems like two. I’m hoping this weekend feels like three. :)


  1. I can't imagine how you endured that experience of doing the surveys--A sense of humor seems indispensable. I look forward to your descriptions and photos of your weekend. You deserve this break, if only for your psyche. I can only imagine the difficult culture shock that you seem to coping with so well.

  2. Anne, I love reading about all your sights, sounds, feelings, and experiences. The time will go too quickly. Has there been any "BUZZ" about President Obama's visit to Ghana?
